The transition from iGCSEs to Sixth-Form to study International A-Levels can be challenging and daunting for many students. In Sixth-Form you study fewer subjects, allowing students to learn subject areas in-depth within a more specified curriculum.
At iBOS, we take our students through this transitional period with ease and provide them with the necessary, important advice to make the correct decision regarding further education options.
The subjects we offer in Sixth-form are as follows:
Students of our International A-level in Biology will develop their knowledge and understanding of the different areas of biology and how they interrelate, looking at how biology contributes to the success of the economy and society.
The following topics are covered in the course:
Assessment consists of six exams-
Paper 1 and 2- both 1 hour and 30 minutes, each worth 20% of the final mark.
Paper 3 and 6- both 1 hour and 20 minutes, each worth 10% of the final mark.
Paper 4 and 5- both 1 hour and 45 minutes, each worth 20% of the final mark
Students of our Edexcel International Advanced Level in Business Studies will gain a holistic understanding of business and develop a range of relevant skills, including decision making, problem solving, challenging assumptions and quantifying and managing information.
The following topics are covered in the course:
Unit 1 Business Enterprise: Researching a business opportunity, Supply and demand, Finance, Measuring business performance, The wider business environment
Unit 2 Business Structures and Processes: Marketing, Managing operations, Managing finance, Managing people.
Unit 3 Strategic Business Decisions: Corporate objectives and strategy, Making strategic and tactical decisions, Assessing competitiveness, Company growth.
Unit 4 Business in a Global Context: International markets, Changing global economy, Business location, Other considerations before trading internationally, Global marketing, Multinational corporations (MNCs).
The assessment consists of 4 examinations, each unit is equally weighted at 25%. Examination of unit 1 and unit 2 will last 1 hour 30 minutes each while examination of unit 3 and unit 4 will last 2 hours each.
Students of our International A-level in Chemistry will develop essential knowledge and understanding of different areas of the subject and how they relate to each other, including an appreciation of how chemistry contributes to the economy and society.
The following topics are covered in the course:
Assessment consists of 6 exams:
Paper 1 and 2- both 1 hour and 30 minutes, each worth 20% of the final mark.
Paper 3 and 6- both 1 hour and 20 minutes, each worth 10% of the final mark.
Paper 4 and 5- both 1 hour and 45 minutes, each worth 20% of the final mark
Students of our International A-level in English Language will study English Language in a global context, including the influence of other languages on the development of English. New topics with an international focus include ‘Contemporary Global English’ and ‘Language and Technology’.
The following topics are covered in the course:
Assessment consists of four exams-
Paper 1 and 2 – both 1 hour and 45 minutes, worth 25% of the final mark
Paper 3 and 4 – both 2 hours, worth 25% of the final mark
Students of our International A-level in English Literature will study works by Dickens, Brontë and Shakespeare, pre-1900 poetry as well as post-2000 poetry and prose, together with a range of texts with a wide international appeal, including The Kite Runner and White Tiger.
The following units are studies in the course:
Unit 1- Post-2000 Poetry and Prose
Unit 2- Drama
Unit 3- Poetry and prose
Unit 4- Shakespeare and Pre-1900 Poetry
The following prescribed texts could be studied:
Assessment consists of four exams, all 4 hours, each worth 25% of the final mark
Students of our International A-level in Economics will learn to think as economists, looking at the sector’s contribution to our understanding of society and learning to apply a range of key economic concepts to both national and international contexts.
The following topics are covered in the course:
Assessment consists of four exams-
Paper 1 and 2 – both 1 hour and 45 minutes, worth 25% of the final mark
Paper 3 and 4 – both 2 hours, worth 25% of the final mark
Students of our International A-level in Geography will develop their knowledge of locations, places, processes and environments, at all geographical scales from local to global across the specification as a whole. They will also develop an in-depth understanding of the selected geographical patterns, processes and issues in physical and human geography at a range of temporal and spatial scales, and of the concepts that illuminate their significance in a range of locational contexts
The following topics are covered in the course:
Optional topics-
Assessment consists of four exams-
Paper 1 – 1 hour and 45 minutes, worth 30% of the final mark
Paper 2 and 4 – both 1 hour and 30 minutes, each worth 20% of the final mark
Paper 3 – 2 hours, worth 30% of the final mark
Students of our International A-level in History will study the most popular historical periods and themes, with a greater emphasis on more internationally significant periods and themes, such as ‘India 1857–1947’ and ‘The world in crisis 1879–1945’. Unit 4 takes an international relations approach, interpreting divisive periods of international history.
The following periods and themes may be studied in the course:
Assessment consists of four 2-hour exams, each worth 25% of the final mark
Students of our International A-level in Law will be able to demonstrate the importance of legal institutions and their relationship to other institutions in society and provide a broad understanding of the various branches of law in order to give a fuller picture of the role of law.
The following topics are covered in the course:
Assessment consists of two 3-hour exams, each worth 50% of the final mark.
Students of our International A-level in Maths will be encouraged to take responsibility for their own learning and mathematical development. They will use their knowledge and skills to apply mathematics to real-life situations, solve unstructured problems and use mathematics as an effective means of communication. Students can study for the following qualifications:
Topics include:
Pure 1: Algebra and functions; coordinate geometry in the (x, y); trigonometry; differentiation; integration.
Pure 2: Proof; algebra and functions; coordinate geometry in the (x, y) plane; sequences and series; exponentials and logarithms; trigonometry; differentiation; integration.
Pure 3: Algebra and functions; trigonometry; exponentials and logarithms; differentiation; integration; numerical methods.
Pure 4: Proof; algebra and functions; coordinate geometry in the (x, y) plane; binomial expansion; differentiation; integration; vectors.
Statistics 1: Mathematical models in probability and statistics; representation and summary of data; probability; correlation and regression; discrete random variables; discrete distributions; the Normal distribution.
Mechanics 1: Mathematical models in mechanics; vectors in mechanics; kinematics of a particle moving in a straight line; dynamics of a particle moving in a straight line or plane; statics of a particle; moments.
Topics include:
Further Pure 1: Complex numbers, Roots of quadratic equations, Numerical solutions of equations, Coordinate systems, Matrix algebra integration, Transformations using matrices, Series, Proof
Further Pure 2: Inequalities, Series, Further complex numbers ,First order differential equations, Maclaurin and Taylor series, Polar coordinates
Further Pure 3: Hyperbolic functions, Further coordinate systems, Differentiation, Integration, Vectors, Further matric algebra
Mechanics 2: Kinematics of a particle moving in a straight line or plane, Centres of mass, Work and energy, Collision, Statics of rigid bodies
Statistics 2: The Binomial and Poisson distributions, Continuous random variables, Continuous distributions, Hypothesis tests
Decision 1: Algorithms, Algorithms on graphs, Algorithms on graphs II, Critical path analysis, Linear programming
A total of 14 different units can be chosen from to build the desired qualification. Each A level consists of 6 units which are assessed by a 1 hour and 30-minute exam worth 16.66% of the final mark. Details on specific units and their content can be provided by the Maths department.
Students of our International A-level in Physics will develop essential knowledge and understanding, including an appreciation of the link between theory and experiment, and the skills to design, execute and analyse their own investigations.
The following topics are covered in the course:
Assessment consists of 6 exams:
Paper 1 and 2- both 1 hour and 30 minutes, each worth 20% of the final mark.
Paper 3 and 6- both 1 hour and 20 minutes, each worth 10% of the final mark.
Paper 4 and 5- both 1 hour and 45 minutes, each worth 20% of the final mark.
Students of our Edexcel International Advanced Level in Psychology will study a combination of classic and contemporary studies, selected to suit an international audience, and develop an understanding of social and cognitive psychology, biological psychology, learning theories and development, applications of psychology and clinical psychology, and psychological skills.
Topics include:
Case studies will explore complex issues such as:
This is a sample of the case studies, many more will be explored throughout the four units.
Assessments consist of 4 final examinations.
School Headquarters: 156 Clapham Park Road, London SW4 7DE
Dubai Office: Office 606, Latifa Tower, Sheikh Zayed Road, Dubai, UAE
© 2025 International British Online School