Data Protection

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We are bound by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is an EU-wide legislation, regarding how personal data is processed and kept safe, and the legal rights individuals have concerning their data.

It came into force on 25 May 2018 to organisations that process or handle personal data, including schools, and is similar to the Data Protection Act (1998)(DPA) in many ways. Most of the differences involve GDPR extending or strengthening the fundamental principles of the DPA.

At iBOS, we ensure that we are compliant with GDPR by:

  • Following strict policies on how we record and share our data, and how we make these decisions
  • Training our staff and governors
  • Updating our policies and parent and staff privacy notices annually

The internet advice we offer aims to provide parents and young students with information and resources to develop safer habits when learning and to play online. Much of the advice about online safety is common sense, but the School encourages parents to speak with their children about what they are doing, whom they are talking with and where they are going on the internet. We also cover this in some detail in our E-Safety & Child Protection section.

If you have a concern or would like to speak about any issue of e-safety and your data protection in more detail, please contact us.

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School Headquarters: 156 Clapham Park Road, London SW4 7DE

Dubai Office: Office 606, Latifa Tower, Sheikh Zayed Road, Dubai, UAE

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